Dom Wars - Round Four Page 5
She let out a deep sigh and chewed her thumb nail.
“Is it bad? To you? I mean?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “Not real sure.”
I couldn’t keep from drawing an audibly sharp breath. “We don’t….have to.”
“Umm, yes. We kinda do.”
“Is it…”
“Just go! We’ll talk about it when you get back.”
I sat there, torn. “Okay, fine. I’ll…be right back.” I ducked my head back in the car before shutting the door. “You want anything? Drink, food?”
She swiveled an annoyed smile at me.
Right. Just ate.
I hurried to the bathroom and pulled the phone out. Please don’t be stupid.
Anger Tara. No excuses or apologies until after final demon domination.
God, fuck, seriously? Anger Tara? Didn’t they realize how bad that was for me? Fucking right they knew.
I paced up and down in the filthy five foot bathroom with the piss drenched floors, walls, and toilet. What exactly were they grading with this? My reaction? Hers? Both? Fuck, not knowing meant better safe than sorry, which meant bad for me.
I needed to talk to Steve. See if he knew anything.
Anger Tara. Anger the T-Rex. Ruin my progress with her. Just throw it all away. For nothing. No, not nothing. Her Gramma. Fffuuuuuck. Of course I’d do it. I had to help her win so she could save her Gramma. But dammit.
And can’t explain to her. Until later. I pulled my phone out and dialed Steve.
“Ummm you okay?” he answered.
“No. That would be a negative.” I got out of the piss box and paced up and down the hall next to it. “I’m getting these texts.”
“Are you supposed to tell me?”
“It didn’t say not to,” I whispered, annoyingly unsure. “They want me to-to- do weird things.”
Sharp intake of breath. “Ahhhhh so that’s what—”
“Yes, the diner show. Humiliate Tara, that was my assignment. No details except that I can’t tell her until after final demon domination.”
He hissed painfully. “That’s not good,” he whispered. “Did you get another one?”
“Yes, anger Tara.”
“Oh dear. Your plan?”
I laughed dryly. “Very good fucking question.”
“Okay, let’s…let’s think this through. So, you’ll do something small.”
“And probably score low?” Every possibility built the need to vomit
“Well…how about go in the middle and see how you score.”
“That’s if they post the scores like they did last time.”
“That’s true. It’s a tragic risk.”
I laughed dryly. “Tragic indeed Mr… What the hell is your last name Steve? I growled and leaned against the wall. Motherfuck I was just making progress with her.”
“Burns. It’s Burns. Lucian, this is bad,” Steve whispered. “She’s getting texts?”
“Oh yeah, she’s getting all the amazing sexts. Which ought to get real interesting when her partner becomes her enemy. She’ll rip my balls off!”
“Then you have to decide,” Steve said matter-of-factly, “what is more important. And try to find a happy medium.”
I nodded, desperate for some kind of assurance only to come up with a desperate blank. “Jesus Christ. Okay, I’m coming.” Her assignment would have to wait a bit.
I watched Lucian walk back to the car, my stomach flipping at the sight of him. The sext I’d gotten was just a tad…scary. Anal was new for me. Him using his finger was one wonderful thing, but how would his….large….
I chewed my thumb nail faster. He’d be careful. I trusted him.
He got in the car and made a groaning sound.
“I forgot to get some gum.” He angled a pleading gaze at me. “You sure you didn’t need the bathroom?”
“Oh, well. I can go get it for you.”
“No, no, I’ll go.” He sighed again.
“No, I need to try to use the bathroom, it’ll be a while maybe before we stop.” That was pure-dee guessing. But oh well. “What kind of gum did you want?”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind going. You want me to go with you? Big Red is my favorite.”
“I’ll go. You stay. And maybe…think about how you’re going to do our assignment without…hurting me.”
He stared at me, worried looking. “Um….explain?”
I wagged my phone. “The assignment? It…has to do with my…”
“Ohhh, your ass.”
I stared at him. Why was he being so weird?
His face went from worried, to aware, to aroused, and then he whispered in an awed voice, “Ohhhhh your aaaasssss.”
I nodded slowly then pointed at the store. “I’m gonna…go get that gum.”
“Yes. Fuck yes. And use the bathroom. And I’ll…” He slid his finger along my cheek, making my stomach tickle. “Don’t worry about the ass baby. You know I’ll be… so fucking gentle, dear fucking God, so very gentle.”
The heat in his tone flooded me with desire and I hurried away before he could see it. “Okay, be right back.”
Big Red gum, huh? I smiled as I picked up several packs. Spearmint was my flavor. I got a few packs of each and headed to the counter and made my purchases and headed back to the car. Only it wasn’t at the pumps. I looked around and found the car parked on the right and headed toward it. I reached for the door handle and the car moved forward several feet. “Funny,” I said, walking to the car.
The driver window rolled down and Lucian was in the driver seat. “Get in lovely lady.”
I stared at him. “What are you doing?”
I shook my head and walked to the car only to have him drive out of my reach once more. I huffed and stared at him. “Stop.”
He grinned. “Sorry.”
I stared at him for several seconds and went for the door. “Lucian!” I yelled when he drove out of my reach. “Fucking quit.”
He bit his lower lip like a fucking douche. “Sorry baby, I quit. Get in.”
“You better not fucking do it again. I mean it.”
He shook his head, looking sincere. “I won’t, love, I’m sorry. Just having a little fun.”
“We don’t have time for this.”
“You’re right. You’re right.”
He looked forward and I went for the door and the bastard stepped on the gas. I ran toward the car and he gunned it again. “Lucian!”
He got out of the car and held up his hands. “Okay, okay,” he laughed. “Sorry, I’m just…bored. I’m done.”
I walked slowly toward the car and he sat in the driver seat and turned on the radio really loud and began tapping his hand on the steering wheel. I got a few feet from the door and made a lunge for it only to have it lurch out of reach followed with his howl of laughter.
“This isn’t fucking funny.” I ran to the door and he gunned it again. I ran faster and he continued to drive out of reach.
I finally became aware of the crowd watching and laughing. Fucking bastard. What had I done to piss him off? He was clearly getting back at me. It was my attitude from earlier, he’d had enough. I’d finally reached the end of his patience, his gentleman, and reached the asshole within.
Too bad that didn’t make me feel any better.
“Love, seriously. I’m done.” He got out of the car and went in the back and Steve took his place at the driver seat.
I sat on the curb and looked around at the strange place settling in for evening, feeling little and….stupid. And now I had to go get fucked in the ass by him.
One million dollars. Gramma. Operation Bring Gramma Home.
Chapter Six
I waited for Tara in the car, feeling like a fucking jerk. The hardest thing was going to be pretending I wasn’t sorry. She got in and I grinned at her. “Baby you should have seen your face, so priceless.”
“Shut up.”
/> “Alright, alright. Fine. You’re pissed. I’d be pissed too. I get it.” I clapped my hands together. “You need a little time to get over it is all, I get it.”
“No.” She shook her head slowly, looking out the window. “You don’t get it, Lucian. You’re being a jerk. And we don’t have time.” Her brow furrowed and I was certain I caught the shine of tears in her eyes before she looked away once more. “You’re being a fucking jerk.”
Anger Tara.
I stared at the text on the phone, never hating two words more. Double–checking to be sure I wasn’t reading the same message from earlier. Just barely resisted throwing the phone out the window when I saw it was definitely fucking new. Exact same but new. Too challenging to come up with more, dumb bitch?
I shoved the phone back in my pocket and looked out the window. The jubilant nightlife of downtown Shreveport mocked my fury. I needed to be drunk like all of them. A drunk asshole was a lot more…realistic than just an asshole.
I banged on the window in front of me and it lowered. “Stop right here. I’m ready to stretch my legs.”
“Right here?” Steve glanced repeatedly into the rearview mirror and Tara followed with an echo.
“Right here?”
“Right here! Right fucking here, yes.” I eyed Steve in the mirror then turned to Tara. “Right here. At that club.” I jabbed my finger at the obnoxious building with the crowd of people outside, the blinking lights, and the boom-boom-boom music. Perfect.
“Is this part of the assignment?” Tara’s flammable annoyance fueled my fire.
“No, it’s not. But I’m the Dom here. And I want to stop. And drink.”
She gave one of those snorts. “Jesus fucking crackpot, Lucian.”
I stared at her and tapped into some of that anger I had stored in the outskirts of my carefully organized sanity. Might as well, with my death-rattle echoing in the abyss of silent fury she’d carved between us since my last stunt.
One million dollars. Free Gramma.
“You know? I really hate when you make that sound, that…disgusting sound.”
She looked at me for several seconds and quirked a brow before making it again.
I faced her in the seat. “Did you know you sound like an… overweight rhino jacked up on…cocaine when you do that?”
I held my breath, waiting for her wrath. Instead she smiled. “Well while we’re on annoying quirks, I really hate the way you…” she made a weird noise I didn’t even recognize, some kind of grunting cough, slash gurgle. “What the fuck was that?”
“You tell me, you’re the one that does it.”
I chuckled. “I’ve never even heard that sound before.”
She pointed at me. “You just did it.”
“I laughed.”
“Is that what you call it?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to make things up just because you have so many weird quirks.”
“So many?”
“As in tons.”
She nodded. “Tons, huh?” She turned in her seat with a sweet face. “Like what?”
I opened the car door and angled a cocky grin at her. “I’ll write you a list later so you can work on them.” I got out the car. “Stay here,” I told Steve. “I need a drink.”
“Will do boss.” He kept his hands on the steering like he was getting ready to either floor it and flee, or get out and kick my ass.
Not wanting to wait in line, I made my way into the small joint next to the obnoxious club and found the bar. I flagged the bartender and ordered shots of whisky until I reached the proper level of who gives a fuck.
I looked around and stumbled my way back to the car and found it empty. Fuck. I grabbed hold of the door handle and fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed Steve.
“She insisted on coming in,” he hollered over the blaring music. “I followed only to keep an eye on her.”
“Fuck,” I whispered, rolling my eyes shut. “In that club?”
“I’m coming.”
“Good because she’s getting a little crazy,” he yelled.
“What do you mean?” I zigzagged my way toward the club, glad the line was gone.
“Ohhh, drinking. Dancing. On stage.”
Anger sobered me and I hit the off button, making my way into the club. Multi-colored light flashed over the mass of wriggling humans before I finally found the stage. More sobriety accompanied the new surge of rage at seeing Tara up there sandwiched between two guys grinding their cocks on her. Blind fury led me straight to her and I hopped up on the platform and jerked her against me.
“Ohhhhh,” she said, smiling up at me. “Dance with me baby.”
Wow, she was really drunk. I looked down and found her tugging up my shirt and slapped her hands away. A half-naked girl was suddenly grinding on my right and before I could push her off, Tara was once again sandwiched between those dudes.
I fought my instincts to punch them in the face. Make Tara angry. How about jealous?
I turned to the woman and pulled her against my body, hand on her ass, letting experience take over.
That got Tara’s attention instantly. She turned into a she-devil, grabbed the girl by the hair and yanked her out of my arms and shoved her off the stage. Before I could even worry about how this would end up, she spun on me and shoved me too.
The mass of bodies broke my fall but getting my footing took several seconds. By the time I was righted, Tara was back to dancing. Make that strip dancing.
I lunged for the stage and reached her before she could get her shirt over her head. I shoved it back down and wrapped my arms around her. “Time to fucking go, sweetheart.”
“Let me go, I want to dance.”
I dragged her along the stage, looking for some kind of steps. Steve waved at me from the far end.
“Lemme go.”
“You can dance in the car, sweetheart.”
“Ohhhh, I could dance all over your face!” She erupted in hysterical laughter as we walked through the club. “Wait, my drink!” She reached toward nothing in particular. “I’m not done.”
“You’re so fucking done.”
“I’m not done.” She fought to walk away and I held her tighter. “I’m…let go.”
Steve got on the other side of her and helped me usher her out.
“Get off of me, I can walk.”
“No, you can’t. You had what, two drinks, love?”
She snickered loudly then laughed boisterously. “Threeeeeee, I had three of ‘em.”
We finally made it in the car and drove off. Out of nowhere, Tara’s phone hit me in the face. “What the fuck!”
“Text baby. We got it a long time ago. Remember? I don’t. Remember I mean. What does it say?”
I grabbed the phone from off the floor and looked at it and I nearly lost my dinner at seeing what I’d hoped and now dreaded. In a submissive tone, ask Lucian to perform anal sex on you.
Dear. Fucking. God. I closed my eyes and lowered my head.
“Whata we gotta do? I’m ready.” She took off her shirt. “Mmmm, I’m soooo horny.”
Images of her sandwiched between those guys brought my fury in fresh waves. “Maybe you can fuck yourself.”
She laughed. “Awww what’s the matter? Is Lucian jealous? Maybe I should have gone home with one of those guys? I could feel their cocks baby.”
While she removed the rest of her clothes, I yanked mine off as well. “I think you need to read your assignment, love.” I threw the phone on the seat next to her.
“I think I said I can’t see, love,” she mocked in a deep voice.
“It says that you need to ask me real nice to fuck you in your ass.”
She stared at me with mouth hanging open and took the phone off the seat and squinted at the text for several seconds. “Ohhhh yeahhhh, I remember now.” She rolled her eyes shut with an ugh and fell back against the seat in disgust.
The whole idea of doing any
thing sexual with her when she was angry was like a match to the fuse. “If you need time to cool off, I surely get it.” So did I.
She shook her head. “Don’t need time.”
I stared at her. “You’re too pissed.”
“I’m not.” She shook her head again a bunch of times.
“Yes you are, you don’t need to lie.”
“Well, no need to wait, either.” She tossed her hand. “It’s just fucking. In the ass. For points and a million dollars.”
Anger rolled through me. She knew I fucking hated when she said that. And by her smile, she was still pissed and hitting back.
“Okay, fine.” I opened both arms. “Climb on.”
She leaned forward and stared at my groin. “Climb on what?”
“Sorry, I’m not turned on at the moment.”
“Awww, poor baby. Maybe you need to stop and get you a whore?” She looked around and pointed. “There’s one.”
“I think you’ll do fine. And I’m still waiting for you to ask nicely for me to fuck you.”
She spun to me and jabbed a finger at me. “Too bad. Maybe I would if you weren’t being such a dick. And why, why are you treating me this way? Tell me. Is it because of my…fucking distance? Earlier? Huh?”
Her angry face suddenly crimped and tears rolled down her cheeks, making me want to scream.
“Tell me! Just tell me,” she yelled.
“No, it’s not that, I promise baby.”
“Then what?” she asked pitifully.
“I…I just… I’m on edge. I have these demons to dominate, remember? I don’t know what the fuck they are going to turn out to be and…” All of my fears from before the stupid text flooded in, the real ones.
“Oh baby.”
Hope filled me at the sympathy and surprise in her voice. If she happened to assume my asshole behavior was connected to that, then that was not my problem.
She was suddenly next to me, holding my face. “Are you scared? It’s okay if you are, I get it. I was terrified even though I didn’t show it.”
Her soft touch and the caring in her voice dominated my anger and fears until they sat like sweet little kittens in my mind.
There was only her pretty face before me, tender kisses on my lips, and her ass in my lap. That was it. All I could ever want or need in that second.