Claw 1 Page 6
The furrow in his dark brows and the intense way he looked into her eyes stole her breath. “A woman’s hair,” he whispered with quiet awe, “is her glory.” He reached up and pulled the first pin out and she closed her eyes as the curl fall past her shoulder. “A reflection of the covering God gave in her husband.” His soft voice stroked her as he pulled another pin out, gliding his fingers along the fallen hair. “And her husband … should cherish every silky strand.” He pulled the third pin out, then the fourth. “He should get on his fucking knees,” he whispered with a burning passion as she sat trembling. “And thank God, every, single, day … that he can run his fingers through it.” She fought down a sob as he did just that with reverent strokes through her loose hair.
“I want you on your stomach first,” he whispered so softly. “Can you do that?”
First? Jesus help me. She quickly laid on her stomach, glad to have her face hidden at least.
“I’m going to cover you with another sheet and when I do, I need you to remove the first.”
Oh God, what? H-how … how was she supposed to …
She felt another sheet drape over her and she began the difficult task of removing the first one.
“Let me help,” he said as she grunted. He pulled on the first sheet, trying to loosen it from around her.
“You’re like a burrito,” he said, gentle laughter in his tone.
That’s because she’d wrapped it as tight as she could. Why was he being so nice? Why couldn’t he just be mean and hurry? “Sorry,” she gasped when she had to practically turn over to get the thing unwrapped.
“You’re doing perfect, Princess.”
Oh God, not that name again, please, I beg you. She swallowed down the need to pant only making her need greater.
“God, I’ve exhausted you,” he said. “Did the bath relax you?”
“Loved it,” she mis-answered. “I mean yes.” She put her face back in the hole of the head pillow, not sure what to do with her arms.
“Here,” he said, taking hold of her wrists and guiding them lower. She fought with her body to unlock and he finally stopped trying. “I want you to relax and let me have control, can you do that? I need you to trust me.”
“Okay,” she gasped, feeling like she hung from a cliff by one hand. God he must think she was losing it. And she was!
He finally got her hands below the table and she felt a little hand rest there. Immediately she strangled it in her fingers.
“First I’m going to loosen you up since you’re wound tight like a rubber-band. I’m going to use my hands and a little oil. I’m only touching your back and shoulders and I’ll ask if I feel you need anything beyond that.”
“Okay,” she shot out, nodding barely. She just wanted him to hurry and do whatever he needed so she could go die in her room, alone.
“I’m going to lower the sheet to your waist so that I can access you’re back.”
She couldn’t speak as he glided the sheet slowly down her back. The brush of his fingers on her skin as he folded the sheet at her upper butt made her breath catch. Here it was. A thousand glorious deaths coming. Right now. Right there on that table, under his touch. Lord receive my spirit into your kingdom if I have a heart attack.
“I’m warming the oil on my hands.”
She heard the soft glide of his palms together and held tighter to the hand rest.
“Placing my hands on your shoulders first.”
She thought she was prepared but the sudden warmth of his large hands all at once made her gasp. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t be, Princess,” he whispered back, gliding his hands so very softly over her shoulder blades. His thumbs pressed into muscle just barely. “Relax for me, Rin.”
The soft glide of his touch and words drew her whimper.
“Your skin is very healthy,” he said, his thumbs sliding firmly along her neck and into her hair line. God it felt too good too good. “I’m going to move down your spine now to stimulate blood flow.“
Again she braced as he placed his entire palms on either side of her spine and slid them downward, slowly, firmly, gloriously.
She tried to hold down the sounds and it made it worse, forcing them out in occasional high pitched moans. So embarrassing.
“You’re doing beautiful,” he said, his thumbs moving in soft circles at the bottom of her back. The spot he worked seemed attached to her privates and Rin fought the moans pushing in her throat. He worked that spot mercilessly and soon they came shamelessly and without permission.
“That’s good, Princess. It’s supposed to feel good, you’re doing perfect.”
She was sure it wasn’t supposed to feel that good!
His thumbs slowed even more, dipping under the sheet just a little in their circling, hitting more of that dangerous spot.
She squeaked out an mm as he focused his attention there.
“Feels good right here?”
The pressure between her legs throbbed now and her breaths came in random strained bursts.
“Don’t fight it Rin.” He slid his hands back up, splayed and covering every inch of her. On his pass back down, his fingers dipped along her sides and brushed very close to her breast. She let out a sharp moan only to have his thumbs circling at her lower back again, farther under the sheet.
He suddenly slid the sheet up her back and she panted in relief but her salvation was short lived. “I’m going to work your legs now. Is that okay?”
“Yes,” she strained with her eyes clenched.
“Good girl,” he whispered, sliding the sheet up. The stroke of the material as he moved it nearly sent her over some edge. He tucked the sheet at the bottom of her butt and she clenched her eyes shut, sure he could see her privates if he but looked. She was going to die, she was going to die.
She heard him rubbing his palms together again and he began at her feet. Oh my God, that meant he was standing at her feet, able to see between her legs. His fingers moved slowly over the arch of her foot, pressing in sensual long strokes that sent fire to pulse between her legs. She was back to panting and straining when his hands moved up her calf, thumbs pressing into the muscle as he went.
“You’ve got beautiful muscle tone,” he murmured.
The pulse in her privates spiked at the sound in his voice. Strained and breathless. Oh God. She imagined his face, saw it in her mind, his brows drawn like in those images, pained with pleasure. He moved his hands higher up her leg, his thumbs pressing firmly into the back of her knee.
“Oh God,” she gasped when he went beyond that, higher.
“Relax for me. Let it feel good, Rin.”
“Dante,” she barely gasped, gripping the table tightly. It felt too good, she couldn’t take it, she couldn’t, something was going to happen she could feel it between her legs, it was getting … it was getting to something big.
His thumbs stroked firmly up her leg and swirled in circles right at the bottom of her butt! Then he slid them back down to her knee only to slide quickly back to her butt for those deep swirls.
She couldn’t stop her moans. She couldn’t. They came and she couldn’t stop them, her mouth open and flowing incessantly with them, louder and louder.
“Yes, Rin,” he whispered as he forced his thumbs deeper into the muscle on her butt.
His thumbs dipped between her legs and brushed the hair on her privates, exacting a sharp cry of shock between her breaths.
“Doing so good, Rin,” he whispered. “So very good.”
Fucking Christ! Dante was about to orgasm just watching Rin. He’d wondered if she’d ever had an orgasm and now he was sure she hadn’t. One more brush with her soft pussy hair and he was sure she would erupt.
He was ready for that but he wanted to do more for that beautiful moment.
He got bolder, letting his desire come through his voice since it affected her so much. He turned his hunger loose in his touch, groaning a little as he slid his hands past his p
ermission point and gripped her entire tight ass with all his fingers. He dipped his thumbs between her legs, pressing against that junction.
“Oh God!” she cried, burning up under his touch.
He was too. He’d not realized how hard this would be for him. Huge miscalculation. “That’s it, Rin, let it feel good baby.” Again he gripped her ass with his fingers but this time he stroked right on her pussy lips with his thumbs.
Her climax hit her and Dante groaned, moving his thumbs faster over her pussy lips while pressing down on her ass, rocking her clit into the table as she trembled and panted, her beautiful loud cries gripping his cock tight.
Dante watched her ass wiggle and squirm under his tight hold, his cock aching. “So fucking beautiful, Rin. That’s it.”
When her moans finally turned weaker, he slid his hands back down both her legs and covered her with the sheet before moving to her back again. His heart hammered as he stroked her back slowly, waiting to see how she would handle this little naughty trick he’d played on her.
“Have you ever had an orgasm like that, Rin?”
She was down to panting now and she finally shook her head with a tiny, ”No.”
The single word held shame and confusion, sending fury in his blood. “You did beautifully. Did you know you need to have an orgasm in order to make babies?” he lied. He was sure she’d not know the difference.
Her panting stopped for several seconds and then returned with a vengeance. “You do?”
“I needed to make sure you could have one. And you can as you can see. When you’re touched properly, your body works perfectly.”
She gave sounds of exasperated shock. “He never touches me,” she barely said through her gasps.
“Shhhhh,” he whispered, sliding his fingers along her back. “I’m going to teach you many tricks that will help you overcome your problems. Would you like that?”
She nodded and squeaked out a tiny yes that made his heart jerk. “I’m going to rebuild you into an amazing woman, Rin. Your husband will not believe the miracle that God performs in your beautiful mind and body. Do you want that?”
“Yes.” The tiny word was followed by a huge sob. “I want to be beautiful, I want to be good,” she cried.
Dante leaned next to her face and kissed her cheek. “You already are, Rin. And tomorrow we’ll start your real training. You’re going to learn all about sexual pleasure. I’m going to teach you how to give it. And I’m going to teach you how to receive it. Would you like me to do that Rin? Do you trust me to do that?” He pushed away the hair clinging to the sheen of sweat on her face, stroking his thumb next to her hungry mouth.
“I want that … “ she said breathless with her eyes closed. “I want that so much.”
Dante closed his eyes, grimacing with the need to start immediately. But he wanted to do this perfectly. He wanted to get deep inside that beautiful body and mind and slowly, very slowly, create a masterpiece.
OMO. Operation Multiple Orgasms. That’s what it boiled down to for Rin. Dante had a strong hunch that if she was a healthy woman, then her reproductive issue was psychological. Never having had an orgasm was the first symptom, and having an abusive, adulterating husband was the second. And even if she wasn’t aware of the adultery, not being physically and emotionally adored or at least satisfied, could definitely fuck with a lot in a woman.
Fuck, Dante sure didn’t like the idea of her having a baby with this prick but he’d use the baby train as a means to breach her walls and help set her on another road, one that gave her the ability to choose something else. Like leaving the habitual bastard.
The one big obstacle left was protecting his own ass. But he was pretty sure he had that taken care of now. Using the recorder app on his phone, he had a nice convo with Daryl explaining what he thought his wife needed and that as her husband, he really needed to be the one to do it. It was a huge gamble Dante took but the man’s response was exactly what Dante predicted. “Dante, look, I’m really sorry but my job, it has me gone all the time.” Dante told him he was willing to take as long as they needed for no extra charge. To which he declined. “I really appreciate you trying so hard, but I trust you to handle this. Do whatever, and I mean whatever you need to help Rin to conceive.”
Dante didn’t know if the dude even realized how sick he sounded and he didn’t care. “If you insist,” Dante said. “I’ll do whatever it takes and whatever she’s okay with.”
“Oh she’s okay with anything. She wants a baby,” he insisted in a confident casualness that made Dante want to wipe the floor with his face.
But at least it gave Dante exactly what he needed. Permission to do whatever he needed to.
Final obstacle was Rin. Rin and that sweet spirit of hers. The challenge there was to not violate her own conscience. He’d take all the decision making away from her. She was his patient, plain and simple. The only thing she could decide was calling it all off. And Dante happened to be damn good at manipulating his opponents to make them see things his way. He would use The Art of Peace, and once he was in, he’d launch a war.
He dialed Rin’s phone, sitting at the chair near the pool.
“Hello?” she said, her voice hesitant.
“Rin, it’s Dante. Can you come out to the pool so we can discuss the plan? I spoke to Daryl—”
“I just got off the phone with him.”
“Oh, good,” Dante said.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
Dante hung up and set the phone on the table then picked up his notebook, going over his baby making notes while he waited.
He glanced up a few minutes later to Rin approaching in full monk attire. He fought a smile at how transparent she was. That was her way of saying I’m off limits. Really, he was relieved she was this kind of person, he really was. It was rare you met a woman with that level of conviction. And Dante knew he was very easy on the eyes which usually meant women dropping their panties for him. She was so refreshing and he wanted to truly admire that, even as he planned to use it against her. “Morning, Rin. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine,” she said lightly, sitting but not making eye contact.
To be expected after her dick-throbbing first orgasm two days before. “So, you spoke to Daryl?”
“Yes,” she said, lowering her head, seeming not happy. Big surprise.
“I want you to know that I tried to work it out for him to be here for this—“
“I know,” she hurried. “Work won’t permit.”
“Right,” Dante said. “So…”
“So I have to allow you to do whatever you need to,” she added.
“Well you don’t,” Dante said. She regarded him directly for the first time. “I can’t, nor would I ever try to make you do something like this, Rin.”
“I don’t give a shit about Daryl,” he said. “You’re married to him, I’m not. You are free to follow whatever code you feel you need to with him, but I don’t. And in my world, my code says if you don’t want to, then we don’t.”
“I don’t have that kind of choice, Mr. Dante,” she said seriously.
“Yes you do,” Dante assured. “You say the word, and I will bring the freak storm and nobody will be the wiser as to why it popped up out of nowhere. I have a ton of family members that could suddenly die and require me to forsake this job with my sincerest apologies, God’s will be done, amen?” He laughed at the look she gave him. “I don’t normally work that way Rin, but this is kind of a unique situation? So, like I said, you’re the decision maker on this one.”
She seemed to relax a little as she contemplated. “What will be required?”
“To be honest, it’s going to require some intimate things you will likely not be comfortable with. But I think I can talk you through most everything with very minimal hands on required.”
She swallowed. “Minimal?
“Well, take for instance the lymph massage you need to have done before we start your minerals. I can probably show Renee how to do it but I’d rather be sure it’s done right.”
“I don’t want Renee knowing.” She shook her head. “Anything, please.”
“Okay,” Dante said, mentally marking Renee off the list of possible obstructions. “Done.”
“And this massage is …”
“Well, it’s a full body. I need you unclothed for it,” he said simply. “I’m good enough at it that I can be blindfolded and of course would be. I have special mitts for it and that will serve as the best barrier I can think of to make this easy on you. I understand this personal space,” he waved his arms around him. “I get it, we all have our boundaries and if you work with me, I can establish yours and honor them to my utmost ability.”
She lowered her gaze. “That is … very kind of you Dante,” she said, seeming happy but not altogether relieved. Progress nonetheless.
“There will be exercises I’ll show you that you can do on your own. Or with my help if you are comfortable with that. It will always be up to you on that front. But together, if you let me,” he gave her a smile, “we will conquer this barrenness.”
She let out a gasp and closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead. “What if nothing works?”
“Then you can say surely God’s will has been done and you have done all that you can,” he said simply. “Don’t fear the failure of it Rin. If it doesn’t work, there’s a reason. But I have a strong hunch that your problem can easily be overcome.”
She looked at him, fear and hope swirling in her sharp gray eyes. “Do you really think so?”
Dante wasn’t sure now if she wanted it to work or not. “I do,” he said.
She nodded finally, staring at her lap. “I will do what’s right then. And God will give me strength.”
How fucking precious was that? “He will, Rin. He certainly will.”
“When do we start?”
Dante sat forward with a light clap. “Today!”