Claw 1 Page 7
She nodded a little. “Okay.”
“I’d like to start with the lymph massage,” he said, grabbing his notebook. “Is now a good time?” he looked at her. “Or would you rather wait a bit?”
She shook her head, not meeting his gaze. “Whatever you think.”
“I think the sooner the better,” Dante said.
Seeing Blind
Rin followed Dante into the guest house and looked around. He kept it very neat. “Here is a sheet,” he said, placing it on the table. “Sorry if this is like a weird Deja-vu.”
The regret in his tone made her feel better. That it pained him was good. That he was sensitive to her was good. It seemed at least.
“Call when you’re ready.”
She waited till the bathroom door shut and then quickly undressed, wrapping in the sheet, remembering not to do it so tightly this time.
“I’m done,” she called out loud enough to be heard.
“You’re covered?” he double checked.
“Good,” he said, coming out and going to his supplies near the massage table. “I have my blindfold and mitts.” He stood next to the table, showing her a bottle. “This here is an herbal mix designed to increase lymphatic drainage and help with circulation. I made it myself,” he added, turning away. “I’m going to begin with your backside and we’ll tackle your front after.”
She nodded, swallowing. “Okay,” she said, wanting to do her own part in this even if it was just voicing her understanding of what he said.
They went through the same routine of him covering her with a sheet and him helping get the other one off of her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Rin,” he said, leaning by her ear. “Promise me something.”
“That you will never, ever be sorry to me for your modesty. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Okay?”
She swallowed her racing pulse. “Okay. Sorry. I mean.”
He laughed and straightened. “I get what you mean. Okay, see I have my blindfold?”
“I believe you,” she said, keeping her face in the hole of the massage table.
“And these are the mitts,” he said, putting them below the table for her to see. “Feel them,” he said.
She reached up and touched the softness.
“It’s like suede. I’ve never used them, so I don’t have any feedback on them. You’ll have to be the first victim and tell me how it feels.”
She gasped a laugh. Victim.
“Putting on the blindfold,” he said. “Do you want to double check I can’t see?”
“No,” she said then added a few seconds later, “I trust you.” She needed him to know that she was counting on him to not violate anything he shouldn’t.
“Just want you as safe feeling as I can get you,” he said. “I’m going to remove the sheet.” She felt him groping on her back. “I can’t feel, am I pulling the sheet?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Is it all the way off?” he asked.
“Okay,” he said, lightly. “I … I need to peek to see where the hell I put the oil. I won’t look.”
“Do what you need to,” she tried to say firmly.
“Got it. Back to blind. Oops,” he said, dropping the bottle of oil. “That’s okay, I’ve got what I need. I think,” he chuckled. “Am I on your back?” he asked putting his hands down.
“A little higher,” she gasped.
“Whoops.” He moved his hands off the top of her butt. “Now I know my way, I just needed that first marker.”
“Okay,” she said, the word shaking.
“You’re nervous, I know.” He glided his hands along the length of her back and her body tensed every time he got to that place at the bottom. Already it was making her hot between her legs. “After what happened last time, I understand. How are the gloves?” he asked, sounding hopeful.
“Is it too rough? That was my biggest worry.”
“Not rough, no.”
“Good. I’m just going over your entire backside. That includes every inch, are you ready?”
“Ready,” she gasped.
“You’re doing fine,” he said lightly, gliding his hands over her butt and down her legs to her ankles. “He made light talk about the lymph glands and circulation but all she heard was her heart racing in her ears as his hands glided back up her body. His touch was medicinal enough and she fought to tell herself that’s all it was.
But her body seemed unable to differentiate. While he educated her on the reproduction connection to the circulation and something else, she fought her body’s response. The fire between her legs was burning.
“I think that’s enough for the back for now. Can you turn for me so I can access the front? I plan to avoid the parts of your breasts that are sensitive and of course your … womanhood is off limits.”
Rin clenched her eyes shut.
“We can stop if you need to,” he said. “We don’t need to rush it.”
“I’m fine,” she said, turning over. She hated feeling like she was slowing things down because she couldn’t be mature about it. He was trying to help her, nothing more and she could help by remembering that. But her body was a problem, it seemed to have responses and reflexes she couldn’t control.
Normal. All normal, he’d said. But still embarrassing.
“I’m ready,” she said, eyeing him with his blindfold.
“You’re okay?” he asked, aiming his face sort of at her.
“Yes.” She watched him look around. “You can find your oil,” she said.
“Thank you,” he muttered, lifting the edge of the blindfold while he looked down. He lowered to the floor and stood, wagging it toward her. “Got it.”
She watched him pour a ton of it. “It’s dripping,” she said.
“Whoops. Hard to know. Shit,” he cried lightly when the bottle fell again. “Can you direct me to your stomach so I can deposit the oil and then get the bottle? In case it’s emptying on the floor.”
“Yes,” she said, reaching for his hands and lowering them onto her stomach. He dumped the oil from his hands then stooped down.
“Just going to leave it here next to the bed,” he said, standing again with his hands aimed up like a surgeon. “Could you … direct me to that spot again?”
She reached for his hands and guided him to the oil, feeling like she were handing him the matches to burn her at the stake.
“You’re shaking,” he said.
“I’m fine, just … let’s hurry.”
“Agreed. We do this, and we’re done.” He glided his hands over the outer swell of her hips, going down her legs. She aimed her gaze at the ceiling and closed her eyes. “I’ll give you a sucker after,” he joked on his way back up her body. He slowed at her hips then paused at her waist. “Can you raise your arms over your head?”
God. “Yes,” she said.
“Tell me when you have.”
“I have.”
“So, in an effort to make this less awkward would you like me to make small talk?”
“Yes,” she gasped.
“Any particular thing you’d like to hear?”
“T-tell me about … how this works.”
“Okay,” he said keeping his voice low as he glided his gloved hands up her arms. But his words faded to nothing as he made the downward glide. She suddenly wished she had the blindfold. Or a hood over her entire head. He mumbled facts about the breasts but the only fact she knew was his hands were gliding firmly over the outer mounds. The soft pressure continued along her stomach and then hips. His fingers were separated, creating ten points of pressure that she distinctly felt now along her legs. She realized he’d stopped talking as his fingers moved back up.
“I’m going to make ten passes like this, each time, my touch will get more firm. But tell me if it’s too hard.”
/> She couldn’t speak as his fingers made it to her breasts again then continued up her arms. “I think being blindfolded for this may have been a bad idea.”
“Why?” she gasped.
“I need to not touch certain things and I’m not sure if I’m succeeding. Just tell me if I touch the wrong spots.”
Which were? “W-what would that be?”
His hands paused at her underarms. “Your nipples are very sensitive and anywhere around your womanhood. It’s hard to know if I’m missing them as I intend.”
Oh God. What was he saying? What did he want? He needs to see what the hell he’s doing Rin.
“How about I wear the blindfold an-and you … do your job.”
“I think I can manage if you’re okay to let me try.”
“Do whatever you need to,” she said.
He continued down. “I’m only slowing at your breasts so I can be careful,” he said. His fingers angled as though trying to navigate. She wanted to help him but was frozen to the table. “What I need is to stimulate certain glands, next to that no-no zone.” His fingers moved in a rhythmic motion on her breasts before he continued lower over her stomach. She gasped when he reached her pubic hair and he paused. “Am I there?”
“Yes,” she whispered, nodding.
He began massaging all above that area, calling out muscles and things that no doubt pertained to what he was doing but again her body heard only one thing. Good. So good. As his thumbs pressed all around that area, he ventured around the devil’s triangle to her upper legs, calling out the muscles that played a role in this and that function. But for Rin, it was playing a role in that fire so hot and throbbing.
She suddenly needed more of it. Her body began to reach for his touch when it left to glide down her legs. And when he made his journey back up, it began to squirm in anticipation for his touch. He seemed oblivious to what was happening, his words light and perfectly medical as his hands again reached her upper legs. She fought to keep her breaths even and was glad he was blindfolded and unable to see the heave of her breasts.
“Once we condition these muscles, they will begin to anticipate and respond on their own.”
That was already happening. He reached further down between her legs with his fingers and she opened for it, gripping the edge of the table above her head, hoping he didn’t notice the slight movement. She just … needed more, what her body begged for.
His fingers slid all around her pubic bone, inches away from that spot crying to be touched. Then they were moving higher, massaging along her stomach in a gentle, licking motion as they crawled their way to her breasts. This time she strained for it, waited eagerly. He was on the mounds again and very gradually he moved all around them. He spoke about nursing and the milk gland stimulation. And then he did it, he grazed her nipple. She gasped and he apologized as though knowing.
“I’m … I’m fine,” she said, breathless. “Just … finish.”
But she meant don’t stop. He continued talking causally as his fingers kneaded her breasts more boldly. Her mouth parted as his fingers covered her entire mounds and slowly squeezed before again splaying loosely, grabbing as much as he could and slowly squeezing again, harder this time. Heat throbbed in the tips and the blood pulsed hard between her legs where his fingers now headed. Her legs parted more and her pelvis rose in expectation to the touch. This time as he talked, his fingers grazed her pubic hair. I’m going to lightly massage the nerves here. Stop me if it’s too much.”
His fingers moved in slow circles on that part right above the burning spot. God he was in her pubic hair she realized. He couldn’t feel that though. But she could. She was having to hold her breath not to let those sounds out, those sounds that said she liked it. But they were slipping out in little bursts. He didn’t seem to notice or think it was unusual and thank God because they were coming more as his fingers worked those muscles and her body fought to help him, her legs opening more her pelvis rising to meet the press of his fingers.
“Your body is doing perfectly Rin,” he said.
She let out a huge gasp at those words, her mind interpreting them to say it’s okay. It’s normal. Let it happen.
His fingers glided back up her body, over the sides of her breasts and up her arms, leaving her quaking for that return journey down. He was silent as he slowed at her breasts again, his fingers venturing onto them. Her mouth flew open and she stifled the moan as the gloves brushed both tops of her nipples. She didn’t want him to stop.
“My aim still okay?”
“Yes,” she gushed.
“Almost done,” he murmured, splaying his fingers and grabbing a handful of her breasts before squeezing and bringing his fingers closer and closer to her nipples. This time he allowed the nipples into that final squeeze and Rin couldn’t stop her moan. Nor could she care as his hands moved toward her pelvis. He worked the muscles on that bone and Rin’s breaths were ragged as she pushed into his touch. One of his hands glided back up her stomach and enveloped her entire breast, squeezing.
She arched her back into his fingers, desperate for him to touch her nipple now. Her legs opened more and her moans came as his fingers crept closer to that hot spot. He massaged exactly on the left and right of it, his movements firm and slow, making the skin tight.
“You’re body needs to have an orgasm,” Dante said. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” she cried.
“Okay,” he said. “Would you like me to help?”
Before she could think, “yes,” flew out of her mouth.
“I need to take off the gloves for that,” he said. “Are you okay with that?”
Again, her body answered for her, squirming with her nod. “Yes,” she said, remembering he couldn’t see.
He pulled off the gloves. “Okay, you’re fine. This is exactly what your body is supposed to do, this is all a good sign.”
“Dante,” she gasped, when his fingers grazed her nipples and his other hand navigated through her pubic hair to that spot.
“Very good, Rin,” he said. His casual tone reminded her it was all medical. All part of this healing. God it felt like a healing, it did.
“Oh God,” she whispered as his finger found that spot.
“Is this where I need to touch?”
“Yes,” she shot out. “Please.”
“Okay, I got you,” he whispered, moving the tip of his finger so slowly over that spot until she panted for it, reached harder for the tormenting, barely there press. “Tell me if this helps,” he said. He took her nipple between the tips of two fingers and slowly squeezed and rolled it while his other finger grazed that spot between her legs.
“Dante,” she strained with the building pressure.
“Is it coming?”
“Yes, yes,” she said, her head thrashing. “Do it. Please.”
“I got you,” he said. “I’m going to make you come now.” The finger on that spot began to move so very fast, side to side and harder. Her mouth shot open with a cry and her legs opened wide without thinking “That’s it, Princess, let it come, let it have you.” He flicked his finger over the very top of her nipple and it somehow caused that fire between her legs to spark and explode more.
It seemed to last forever and then she felt it. She slow ebbing as her body jerked and convulsed and her legs came together. Dante drew his hands away, his fingers patting her privates before he did. “Your second orgasm,” he said sounding pleased.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, feeling like she’d failed something.
“Sorry?” he said, aiming his blindfolded eyes at her. “Why would you be sorry? That’s exactly what I was hoping would happen.”
“What?” she asked.
Dr. Dante
“Sorry, Princess. You’re not exactly open to the whole idea of orgasms so I just do what I need to, and when I see your body needs it, I go with it. I’m not pushing you for that but if I see your body going in that direction, I don�
�t stop it.”
She covered her face. “Is that … normal for my body to always do? It seems to always go in that direction.”
“It is very normal. I think it happens so easily with you because it’s new. Your body is designed for that. Did you notice you didn’t have to make it? It’s a reflex. The sooner you understand that, the easier it will be.” He handed her the sheet and she took it. “Let me know when you’re covered.”
She pulled it over her and sat up. “I’m covered.”
He removed his blindfold and gasped. “Wow, that was my first attempt at that. Did I do okay?”
At hearing his worry over his performance, she felt awkwardly inclined to assure him. But then who was she to know how he did? “I don’t really know.”
“Well you had an orgasm,” he said, like that was one good point. “I guess it’s time to tell you that I need you having at least one of those a day during your program.” She shot her eyes to him and he turned with raised brows to his supplies. “I figured you’d react that way. But it’s important to jumpstart your system and orgasms are perfect for that.”
“You say it like they’re …”
“A natural part of child bearing?” He turned and leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not going to say women can’t conceive without it but if you’re not conceiving and you don’t have them, then it stands to reason it’s connected. Orgasms are supposed to be a part of sex and sex is required for child-bearing.”
She eyed him, confused. “Orgasms are part of sex?”
“Yes,” he said simply. “That part of you is to be stimulated during intercourse. The body is designed that when the male lays on the woman, his body presses into that part of her when he thrusts deep and naturally stimulates it, causing the orgasm. Some women need extra help with it, but it’s most definitely a part of making love.”
“What if you’re always face down?” she wondered confused. “How is it stimulated then?”
He eyed her with a troubled look that made her feel like she’d said something wrong. “He should reach under you and stimulate it with his fingers then,” he said with an easy shrug. Like this was all commonplace. And with her zero knowledge on the matter, she had no idea. If he were lying she’d never know the difference but then why would he lie about that? What would be the point or the purpose? To punish her with pleasure?