Preacher Dom 2 Read online



  © 2018 by Lucian Bane

  All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Lucian Bane or his legal representative.


  If you are religious and like reading erotica, this book is for you. Questions or comments, email me at

  Dedicated to my wife—my life, my love, my sub

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter One

  Daniel paced in his room praying, unable to sleep. Unable to breathe. Unable to jack off. God, he wanted to, more than anything, but he wouldn’t. He was doing this right, the way God dictated. And that was coming soon enough. But fuck, waiting seventeen hours felt longer than the seven years he served in prison.

  His mind went over her answers at the meeting. As usual, she was everything he could ever dream of wanting in a woman. In a protegee. In a submissive. In a wife.

  And she’d said yes. She’d said yes. What he’d give to have been in her head when she figured it out. He could literally feel the air change when she made the connection. He’d never enjoyed repeating himself more. God, the desire pouring from her was palpable.

  And then, the crown jewel of it all was the way she kept God first in her answers. Even if she hadn’t, he would still have accepted her. And taught her. He was already intent on teaching her many things, specifically what it was to have the man she’d always wanted. That’s why he was doing all of this, for her. He wanted to fulfill her deepest fantasies, and this had to be it. She’d risked everything to have a Dom, and lost, but she wouldn’t lose this time. He’d give her back everything that devil stole from her in that lifestyle and so much more than she ever dreamed.

  Fuck, then he ever dreamed. He was the last person to warm up to the idea of being a Dom, but after God had His glorious way with him, Daniel felt like he was on literal fire for it. He was destined for this. But he wouldn’t be her Dom, he wouldn’t fashion what they had after the world’s take on God’s game plan for a man and woman. The more he studied her world of BDSM, the more God showed Daniel His BDSM. His short study was divinely guided by God and every bit he read, God molded him, shaped him for what was coming. Something beyond the human realm, beyond human capacity. He was revealing the Divine factor. And only with it, could one obtain the power to do what Daniel was about to with her.


  Nineveh showered twice, shaved carefully, and again applied her makeup lightly. God, her hands were shaking, and her heart was hammering. She chose the pink dress she’d first worn that horrible day. Gramma had saved the dress, miraculously. Nineveh liked wearing it because it looked brand new. Reminded her how God could fix the unfixable things.

  She decided to go barefoot since it was the sauna room. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind and refused to let ideas lead her to all the wrong conclusions. She was still so unsure and nervous about everything.

  At the room, she found a note on the door. She looked toward the hall then lifted it, tugging till the tape came free. She opened it, her nerves making her dizzy.

  Go inside.


  Put the white blindfold on.

  Wrap in the towel.


  And wait for me.

  A light gasp escaped her as she glanced toward the hallway again, another wave of dizzy hitting her as she opened the door and peeked in. Empty, except for the towel folded on the bench and a slip of white material next to it. The white blindfold.

  Her stomach tied in a million jittery knots as she quickly undressed, grateful she’d taken extra care with her shower. She folded her clothes neatly and set them on the far side of the bench. She’d leave her hair up. Undoing the towel, she quickly wrapped in it then secured the edge into the top, tightly. Eyeing the door, she hurried to do the blindfold, not wanting him to enter before she was ready.

  What time was it?

  With the blindfold tight and secure, she felt behind her for the bench and slowly sat. To wait for him.

  Ten seconds in and the sound of her pulse became loud booms in her ears.

  The door opened and stole her breath. She parted her lips, needing air as she listened, suddenly wondering if it was even him.

  She clenched her fists on the bench next to her, waiting for whatever impact was coming.


  She jumped a little, angling her head over her shoulder where he apparently snuck and sat just behind her. “Hi,” she said back, the word frail.

  “I’m going to ask you some questions,” he said at her ear. “I want you to answer all of them honestly. Do you understand?”

  “O-okay,” she said, sudden fear making her nauseous. “How do do I answer you? I mean… address you.”

  He didn’t answer right away, and she hoped she wasn’t messing up. “How do you want to address me?”

  She considered that, thinking it shouldn’t be for her to decide. “Whatever... you want.”


  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “What if I want you to call me lord?”

  “Lord?” That was… “Isn’t that like… blasphemous?”

  “Not if it’s the lowercase lord,” he said, his voice silky at her ear. “Sarah called Abraham her lord.”

  She gave a light gasp when his finger stroked along her shoulder. “Is that... something in the Bible?”

  “It is, yes.”

  A light humor laced his ever-so-soft words as she struggled to remember what they were doing. “In that case... I mean... if you think God is... okay with it?”

  “What do you want to call me?”

  “W...whatever you want me to,” she said.

  His warm breath filled her neck with his light laugh. “You could call me... Daniel.”

  Her heart fluttered in her stomach. “I like that name.”

  “Do you?” he murmured at her ear as more of his fingers stroked along her shoulders.

  She nodded, swallowing down her erratic breaths. “But... I can call you lord. If that’s what you want. Or Master. Or Sir, or King.”

  “King?” he whispered, sounding amused as his lips pressed softly on her shoulder. “How about Slave? Or Servant?”

  “But... you’re...”

  “Here to serve God? And your every desire?”

  “I’m... I thought I was…”

  She felt his lips smile on her skin as they pressed along her shoulder. “You thought you were going to get to have all the fun of serving?”

  “You’re teasing me,” she gasped, feeling lightheaded.

  “I am,” he whispered, his voice a thick rasp as his kisses headed toward her neck.

  “I like...” She sucked in a breath when the hot tip of his tongue slid along her neck.

  “Don’t stop,” he murmured, sliding the tip back down. “Tell me everything you like.”

  “I like…S-Sir,” she gasped lightly.

  “Hmmm,” he said, sounding hesitant. “I don’t like it. But if you like it...” He sucked the muscle on her shoulder, drawing her surprised moan. “Then I love it.”

  “Yes,” she whispered as his mouth opened more and slid slowly up the column of her neck.

  “Yes?” He captured her earlobe between his lips and tugged softly, his breaths warming her ear. “Yes what.”

>   “Yes... sir,” she moaned weakly.

  “Mmm,” he murmured, bringing a full body shiver to Nineveh. His warm lips left her, and she waited, panting lightly. “Are you afraid?”

  She considered his sudden question and licked her lips. “Yes... sir.”

  His fingers were on her again, burning tingles across the top of her back. “What are you afraid of?”

  He sounded... curious. “To… to displease you… somehow. Sir,” she remembered to add.

  “Your greatest need right now,” he said softly, those tingles moving in reverse. “Is to please me?”

  “Yes sir,” she whispered, fear tensing her stomach at hearing it might be the wrong thing to want.

  “And what is your pleasure, Nineveh?”

  Hadn’t she just answered that? What was he looking for? Sexual pleasure? Likely not, he was not a sexual pleasure addict like her. He was likely wanting to know what her mental pleasures were, her emotional ones. And spiritual. But there was no part of her that didn’t want him sexually in all things and at all moments. But especially in that moment. She wanted to give him mind blowing pleasure. No, she wanted him to command her to give it to him. That was her desperate need. “Sir,” she finally whispered, sick with the certainty that she was going to fail this test. “Could you… be a little more specific?”

  Chapter Two

  God, Daniel was ready to tear into her sweet body. He was trying to get at what she wanted and what she needed but he kept running into that adorable selflessness he loved so much. And she was afraid of something, but, what, exactly? With her, he was never sure but judging by her answers, he was beginning to have a hunch. Problem was, he didn’t want to influence her answers with the wrong questions. “Tell me what you want from me right in this second.”

  The way she took her time answering said she thought she was taking a test and her answers mattered. “I want… you to be happy.”

  Dear God, she was going to break his dick if she didn’t quit. “I want to know…” he tried again, struggling with a different angle. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes sir,” she gasped, seeming happy to finally know an answer.

  Daniel closed his eyes before staring at the delicate woman before him. He was suddenly unsure what he needed to know or what wanted her to tell him. She’d just told him she wanted him. A lot. There was nothing else he wanted or needed to know but then he remembered, this wasn’t for him. “Do you want me to love you?”

  “Yes sir.”

  Again, her answer was quick, with an ache in her words. It brought a harsh reflex to answer that hunger in the way he wanted to. “How do you want me to love you?” He forced his hands to be still next to him as he held his breath for the other side of her answer. He needed her to tell him.

  “However you want to, sir.”

  Christ, he was back to square one. And judging by her tone, she knew she was giving all the wrong answers and thought it counted against her somehow.

  “What about what you want?” he asked.

  “I… I’m sorry,” she whispered, lowering her head. “I’m trying to say the right things.”

  “Stop doing that,” Daniel urged gently. “I don’t want you to say what I want to hear.”

  “I’m not, I’m saying the truth,” she assured.

  “But you’re not telling me what you want, only what you think I want.”

  “Daniel,” she barely whispered, her words shaking. “I am telling you that… whatever you want… I want. You would have to tell me what you want for me to know what I want because I only want what pleases you.”

  Daniel let out a light laugh, grinning and shaking his lowered head. “Well, we have a conundrum.”

  “What is it?” she worried.

  “I want what you want, and I can’t seem to get at that, so I can know what I want to give you.”

  She was quiet for a few seconds. “I’ve never… had a man like you and so… it’s hard to know what I want. I never… thought about it.”

  “What did you want before?” he asked. “Before me?”

  She shook her head quickly. “It’s not the same. You’re not the same as them, I don’t want from you what I wanted then.”

  “Then what do you want from me?” he begged softly.

  “Nothing, I just... want to make you happy. Whatever that is.”

  “God,” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered back, pained. “Am I failing the test? I’m being honest about what I think and feel, and I know it’s probably all wrong because I’m… I’m not a normal person maybe—”

  Daniel placed his hands on either side of her face from behind. “Shhh,” he insisted, leaning his mouth to her ear while gliding his hands down to her neck. “There are no wrong answers for you, Nineveh.” He kissed her temple softly. “There is only me, trying to learn what you need. What you want. So that I can give it to you perfectly.” Desperate to taste her again, he leaned and kissed the outer shell of her ear. “I think we’re having our first fight.”

  She let out several strained breaths. “I’m sorry,” she said, not realizing it was a good fight. “I’m-I’m trying to submit, I think…I might not actually be that good at it.”

  Fuck, he loved all her answers while hating that she didn’t know how amazing she was. But maybe he was using the wrong language with her. She’d wanted a Dom and he knew very well what that entailed now. “Take off the towel and kneel before me.”

  She let out several rounds of gasps before she stood with her back to him. The tremble in her body was visible from where he sat and again it pained him that she thought there was a wrong answer or act with him.

  She dropped the towel and finally turned, causing his breath to freeze in his chest. “Holy fuck, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  His pulse thumped painfully in his cock as she knelt before him. Daniel devoured the sight of her. Right there. For him to touch. All over. He could do whatever he wanted with her, to her, for her. He held on to the bench as every idea rammed his muscles, begging him to execute each one in that second.

  With all his might, he reigned that strange fire back into himself, forcing it to obey his will even as his mouth watered at seeing her tight, hard nipples. How long he’d wanted to stare at them. Study them. Explore them with his mouth and tongue and fingers, holy Christ.

  “Put your hands behind you,” he whispered, his eyes remaining on her tits.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered, making his cock jerk as she obeyed.

  “You like obeying me?” he asked, staring at her heaving tits, now thrust at him.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, the small words shaking with the rest of her.

  “What do you want me to do to you, Nineveh,” he tried again.

  “W-whatever you want,” she said. “Sir.”

  “You tell me,” he said, making it a command.

  “I-I want… I want you to… command me.”

  Shit, they were fighting again. “And I want you… to command me.”

  “Command you?” Lines appeared on her forehead above the blindfold.

  “Make me please you.” There was no way she could get out of understanding that one.

  “Allow me to… suck you. Sir.”

  He closed his eyes, heat hammering his cock. Fucking… fuck. “No, Nineveh. Command me to pleasure you.”

  “But that…”

  Daniel stroked his thumbs over the tips of her nipples, turning her words into sharp gasps.

  “I-I… oh God,” she whispered as he continued.

  He studied how beautiful she looked all over his fingers, how sensitive she was to his touch. “Does that feel good?” he asked, discovering their size and thickness between his fingers. “Yes or no,” he ordered, not wanting her to overthink it.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  Finally. Daniel felt their struggles melt away under the raging heat filling the air between them now. “Now we’re having a real conversation,” he said, his body prepa
ring to extract every desire from those beautiful, parted lips.

  As Daniel watched her arousal grow, he remembered about the safe words he’d read about. It was important that they have one. “Do you trust me?”

  She bit her lower lip, nodding. “With everything that I am.”

  He gave a groan at that answer as he explored the feel of her breasts along the bottoms then outer edges. “I want you to have a safe word,” he whispered.

  “A safe word?”

  Daniel eyed her, immediately sensing a change in her body. Surely, she knew what that was. “Yes. A word you say when—”

  “I know what it is,” she hurried. “We don’t… we don’t need that. Do we?”

  He was thrown a little with her confusion. “I want one.”


  It was more an accusation than a question. “So that if you ever feel scared or bothered by anything, you can say it and I’ll stop. I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and find out what’s wrong. And fix it,” he added.

  “But… what would you do that would require a safe word, I don’t understand.”

  She jumped when he touched her shoulder, making Daniel pause and eye her. “We don’t have to have a safe word, if you don’t want one.”

  “I don’t… I don’t like safe words,” she whispered, slowly raising her hands to her chest.

  The self-preservation signal brought a burning rage to Daniel. That fucking Darius bastard. “Then we won’t use one. Ever.”

  She covered herself more. “We don’t… need one, do we? Why would we need one?”

  The fear and desperation creeping into her, triggered Daniel’s kill to protect instincts. He reached slowly for her hand and again she jumped when he touched her. Fuck. “I’m going to remove your blindfold, okay?” he said softly.

  “What? Why? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, baby, you did nothing wrong,” he assured gently. “But I don’t want you blindfolded when you’re scared.”

  “I’m not… scared. Of you. I’m fine.”

  At seeing the conflicting needs warring in her, Daniel whispered, “No safe words. I’m here to give you what you need, do you understand that?”