Claw 1 Read online

Page 11

  “I spoke to her husband earlier and let him know. I don’t fucking know, I think he’s on his way here.”

  Rin gasped and looked around, listening for signs of him. Why hadn’t he called her? He usually called when he was coming back. Why wouldn’t he this time?

  “I don’t know man. No, she thinks he hired me to fuck her. Yes, I’m serious. That’s so fucking not the point man, I did everything I could, and I’m not going to force anything. She’s fucking brainwashed, that’s why. She thinks it’s God’s will to let that motherfucker hit her? Fuck other women in their house….” His words went muffled as tears flooded her eyes.

  She was wrong about Dante. Her heart hammered in her chest, realizing that. And now he was leaving and Daryl was coming back. If he suspected she’d run him off he’d be angry with her. Her hand knocked on the door and didn’t stop until he opened it, like a rogue seizure had hit her and she couldn’t control it.

  “I gotta go,” Dante said, hanging up and opening the door. “What’s wrong?” he asked, opening the screen door now, his gaze narrowed on her.

  Her mouth suddenly opened and she couldn’t speak. “I-I heard what you said,” she whispered.

  “Fuck,” he whispered. “What part?”

  “All of it, I think. I’m sorry I … I thought you were.”

  “Hey,” he said, looking around and pulling her inside. He shut the door and turned to her. “It’s okay, he said. “I get it.”

  “Because you think I’m brainwashed, I know.” She nodded, fighting her emotions.

  He didn’t try to argue with her and she looked around the room at his packed bags, holding her arms. “I just wanted to say thank you before you left. You said Daryl was coming?”

  “Didn’t he call you?”

  She shook her head, looking at him, wanting to say more.

  “He said he would,” Dante said.

  “Well, he didn’t.”

  “I’ll stay.”

  She shook her head rapidly. “You can’t,” she barely whispered.


  Why? God, how could she answer that? A sob escaped and she covered her mouth. “Because I … I can’t be around you. I’m … I’m too weak. I need you to leave, please.”

  He walked toward her. “Rin, if you’re scared, I won’t leave.”

  “I’m not scared. Not of Daryl.”

  Dante froze a few feet before her, staring hard. “Just so you know …” he finally said. “I told him everything went great and in a month I’d come back and check to make sure all is okay. I told him not to try with you until then, to let your levels build.”

  She gasped and nodded a lot. “Thank you for that, Mr. Baston.”

  He was suddenly right before her, his gasps hitting her mouth. He grabbed her face tight and pressed his lips hard on hers, his tongue pushing in deep, tasting her with a growling passion. She was dizzy and melting as her lungs filled with his hot breaths and burned, burned with his hunger and life.

  When he pulled up, she remained with eyes closed, fighting for oxygen, lost and never wanting to be found again.

  “That’s so you know,” he shuddered hotly on her mouth. “What it is to be kissed. So you know what that feels like. And when you leave this place, when God opens up that door and you’re set free, you’ll have that to remember. To know what to look for, and don’t you ever,” he gasped, “settle for less than that.”

  The words were there, trapped in her throat. Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave. But she needed him to leave. She needed him to leave as badly as she needed him to stay.


  Dante didn’t like the look in her eyes. She was scared of that sick fucker. Dante didn’t plan on staying gone a month but he needed her to think that. He needed her to think outside her sick box and he was pretty sure leaving was the only way she’d be able to do that with how her mind was set. He’d stay at the nearest hotel and he planned to let Renee know to keep an eye on things and keep him informed of what was going on with Rin. The woman understood how trapped Rin was. And Rin, she thought she had everything figured out, that she was doing right. The woman had quoted her way into a neat little corner of hell, all with scripture.

  No, Dante realized more than ever that he needed to leave and let what was coming come. While he was in her life, while he could make a difference. Because once he was out, his chances of doing that would lessen. This life had her dangling on a ledge, and if he had to shove her off just so he was there to catch her, he would.

  But fuck he didn’t like leaving her, not even for a day. So help him, if that bastard hurt her, he was headed back to prison for life without parole after what he’d do to him.


  Daryl’s Home

  “How long has he been gone?” Daryl asked, shutting the front door and staring at Rin.

  Rin fought her fear and her body’s need to be sick. “Quite a few hours now. I think he left before sun up.”

  He let out a gasp and shook his head. “You don’t even know when he left? Did you even send him off properly?”

  Rin’s stomach tightened. She’d thought it better if she hadn’t made a big deal of his leaving. Of course she’d thought wrong, she always somehow made the wrong choice. She remembered her resolve to not be bullied. “We said our goodbyes last night,” she said. “I knew he was leaving early.”

  He stared at her for many seconds as though weighing her words. “Did you?” he muttered, turning and locking the door. “And how did you say goodbye to him?”

  She fought her fear and anger at the look her gave her. How dare he look at her with distrust when he was the one trying to make her sin. “Like normal people say goodbye.”

  “Normal people?” He walked slowly toward her. “Well, Rin,” he said. “You’re not exactly normal people, are you?” He stopped just before her and she fought to hold his gaze even though it was something he didn’t like her doing. “Did you do as I told you to do with him?”

  “I did as the Lord would want me to do.”

  She finally lowered her gaze under his brutal scrutinizing gaze. “I want to know all about it. Meet me upstairs. I’m ready to try again.”

  She panicked at those words, her gaze raising to his. “I think Dante said to wait for my levels to go up.”

  “You think Dante said to wait?” he asked softly, his brows raising.

  She nodded. “To make sure my l-levels are right.”

  “Well, I don’t want to wait. I want to try now. I don’t think God will hold it against me to fuck my own wife, do you?”

  Fear pounded in her chest and stomach at his use of that word. He never used that word.

  “Now go. Up. Stairs.”

  She nodded and swallowed, remembering her phone was up there. “Okay.”

  She hurried to their room and got her phone, quickly hiding in the closet. Her hand shook as she dialed Renee.


  “Renee,” she whispered. “Daryl is here. H-he wants to try to conceive and Dante said to wait till my levels are up.” The woman made a painful moan as Rin paced in the closet. “And … he seems angry. And … I’m scared.” The words were very difficult to pry out and she was panting now.

  “Okay, okay,” Renee hurried. “I’m coming over.”

  “Thank you,” she said, shaking. “I’m sorry but if you’re here he …” Rin paused, hearing footsteps. “He’s coming. Hurry.”

  They hung up and Rin hurried out of her closet as the bedroom door opened. “Undress,” he said, his tone hard.

  Her body trembled as she stood there. “I want to talk first,” she whispered.

  He angled his head, clearly finding that offensive. “You can do that naked,” he said as he began undoing his belt.

  She jumped at the sound of his buckle. “I would rather not,” she said, making her voice louder.

  “You would rather not,” he said, seeming to find that amusing as he slowly slid the belt out of his pants. “Okay, Rin. Talk
while I undress. But make it quick. I’m not sure how long I can keep my dick hard.”

  “I-I want to talk about … a few things,” she tried to say boldly. “I want things to be different between us.”

  “Oh? This should be fascinating,” he said, slowly unbuttoning the final buttons on his shirt.

  Rin held fast to her courage, thinking of the things Dante said about God hating adultery and God hating his sin too, not just hers. “I want you to make love to me differently,” she gasped.

  He worked on his pants next, chuckling like it was funny before his face slowly went dark. “Now … why would you ever think I was not making love to you properly, Rin?”

  She licked her lips as he pushed his pants down, his erection making her stomach sick while she realized how that sounded. “I-I don’t. I just … I want it to be something we do because we love each other.” That was not true, she didn’t think she could ever love him that way now. “I don’t want you to hurt me during anymore. I don’t think you need to hurt me.”

  “You don’t think I need to hurt you?” he asked, curious. “Wherever did you hear a thing like that? Has the healer been … giving you lessons in fucking? Rin?”

  She shook her head. “No, no. He hasn’t. You wanted me to do that and I didn’t.”

  “And what did Mr. Dante want? Did he want that?”

  She shook her head again. “He was … was very respectful. He respects the bonds between a husband and wife.”

  “Is that what he told you, Rin?”

  She nodded.

  “And you believed that?” he asked, a smirk on his mouth and brow. “You didn’t see through that lie?”

  “It wasn’t a lie—”

  “Don’t contradict me!” he boomed, making her jump.

  She held her hand toward him. “Stop this,” she whispered. “You don’t need to talk this way you don’t need to, to yell.”

  He drew his head slowly back. “So this is what you do when I’m gone? You learn how to disrespect me? Tell me I’m a bad husband that I don’t know how to make love to my wife, how to properly chastise my wife for being a harlot?”

  “I’m not a harlot,” she shot out, shaking her head. “And I am just trying to talk to you, civilly.”

  “And now I’m uncivil?” he said, slowly walking toward her.

  “You don’t need to yell,” she gasped, fear making her walk in reverse now.

  “Get on the bed, Rin. I know you fucked him. You failed your test and now you need to take your chastisement.”

  “What?” She continued in reverse, aiming for the door. “What test, what do you mean?” His words confused her, threw her thoughts into a tangled ball of knots.

  “Naughty, nasty Rin,” he said, moving steadily closer. “Look how innocent you are. How so very surprised. Pretending you don’t know I was testing you.”

  “You’ve … you’ve made me before, that was—“

  “That was a man of God!” he yelled. “This man was not! He was your worldly test. See, we knew this was your problem,” he nodded, smiling as she made her way in reverse still. “You had your nasty lusts set on the world, didn’t you Rin? Ready to cost me everything just to get your dirty pussy off? Did he make your dirty pussy come, Rin?”

  “Stop this,” she whispered. “Renee is coming,” she said, moving out of the door toward the stairs.

  “Oh she doesn’t care, Rin. We pay her plenty of money to shhhhhhh.” he said with his finger to his lips before smiling.

  Panic stole her breath at that possibility. Not Renee. No, she wouldn’t.

  Rin spun and ran down the stairs, jumping over the last few steps. She ran for the back door and yanked the handle then fought with the lock. Gasping, she turned and his fist slammed into her face. Her legs gave way and she staggered, trying not to fall, her hands reaching out around her. He grabbed her hair and yanked her off her feet. She clawed at his arm as he dragged her.

  “Bitch!” he yelled, dropping her and kicking her in the stomach.

  She choked and curled up, fighting for air and groaning out half pants. His hand bit into her hair again and he dragged her up the stairs.

  “Stop,” she barely said, grunting still. Her hands caught hold of the spindles and she shrieked as he yanked her hair viciously.

  “If you want any hair left on your head, you’d better not fight me, Rin.”

  Don’t let him get you in the room. Don’t let him get you in the room. Her hands clamped on the doorway and he dropped her. She fought to crawl away, looking for something, anything to use. His foot slammed into her stomach again, forcing her back into a choking fetal curl. She forced herself to her knees, aiming for the stand with the vase. He grabbed her ankle and she grabbed the stand, pulling the vase down to shatter on the floor.

  As he yanked her, her hands shot out over the broken pieces, clutching tight to one. His fingers wound in her hair and she screamed and pounded his hand with the piece of glass. He roared and let her go and she slammed the glass onto to top of his foot.

  He yelled again and kicked her in the face, snapping her head back.

  Dazed, she stared at the ceiling, gasping as he wrenched her weapon from her fingers. She lunged for his hands with her mouth and his elbow rammed into her forehead.

  “You’re going to fucking get it, bitch,” he growled, dragging her by the arm into the room and dropping her. She crawled toward the closet as he shut the bedroom door. His foot plowed into her stomach and she fell to the floor, choking out groans.

  “On the bed, Rin!” he yelled, heaving.

  “No,” she fought to say. “I didn’t … I didn’t …”

  “Lying bitch!”

  He yanked her by the hair and forced her onto the bed, holding her with a hand on her upper back. She struggled to get her footing, grabbing at the covers. “Did you meet all Dante’s needs like a little tramp, Rin?”

  “Stop it,” she gasped, hearing the clink of his belt as he shoved up her dress and yanked on her panties. “I didn’t do anything!” she screamed, fighting to climb higher on the bed.

  He began whipping her back with the belt. “Don’t. You. Lie. To. Me,” he growled between blows all over.

  Rin fought not to scream, pulling at the covers, her sobs bursting forth with each strike.

  “Did you suck his cock Rin? Did you?” he roared, beating her again, non-stop. Her back was on fire, pain exploding with each whip.

  “I didn’t!” The words shrieked out. “I didn’t! I didn’t!”

  “Lying whore!” he growled, grabbing her hips. “You know what happens to lying whores?”

  She fought again to crawl up higher, to squirm out of his biting fingers. “No,” she gasped when his penis pressed on her butt. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed, “I’m sorry!”

  A scream tore her throat as he shoved inside her. “You’re sorry, are you? Filthy whore! Did you like it Rin? Did you like sucking his cock?”

  He shoved ruthlessly in and out, and her screams and grunts broke through with her sobs. He grabbed her hair and forced the side of her face to the bed. “You adulterer!” he bellowed. She clenched her eyes tight when his fist flew toward her face. “Fucking slut, you baron fucking bitch!” His fist plowed in rapid succession hitting her nose and mouth, pounding her eyes until it felt like they were going to burst. He punched her ear and her screams turned into muffled echoes. All she knew was the pain from his ramming now. Ramming and ramming his penis until her body and legs were locked up and rigid from the trauma.

  Time swam in and out of her mind and she was suddenly on her back and he was sitting on her chest. She gasped and fought to breathe or see, clawing at his chest. Her eyes were tight and filled with blood, her face buzzing and numb. He yanked her head forward by her hair and shoved his penis against her mouth. She clawed at his arms and struggled to keep her mouth closed, but she couldn’t breathe, her nose was swollen shut.

  A roar filled the room followed by a loud bang. Daryl was yanked violently off of her and
she gasped on the sudden air as she scrambled blindly, confused as Daryl’s body crashed into the wall.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you!”

  Dante! It was Dante. Oh God, it was Dante.

  Rin let out a sob of relief followed by burning shame.

  Thou Shalt Not Kill


  Dante would take his time killing him. Oh God he would. So slowly. So painfully. He’d shatter one bone at a time. He’d shatter it in such a way that caused the most agony.

  He started with his pretty face, slamming his fist over and over into it, making sure to shatter all of it, avoiding anything that would be an instant kill. That would be too fucking easy. He worked his way down, lost to the orgasmic sounds of his shrieking pain and begging cries.

  When Dante got to his pelvis, he heaved on his fury and looked around. He needed something to crush it. Dante’s murderous gaze landed on Rin. Rin lying still on the bed.

  A flash hit his mind. Him in prison for the rest of his life for murder, and Rin left broken and all alone. He growled and paced in circles, grabbing his head. “You’ve got to fight smart Dante. Sometimes we have to spill blood, but it’s always messy. Any man can fight and kill, but it takes real power to walk the path of peace. Sometimes you can’t but whenever you can, you take that path. Promise me you will.”

  Fury tore out of him in roar after roar. He turned back to Daryl and pulled his leg in a lock and broke it. His scream of agony rode his cock as he did the same to his other leg.

  He finally stepped away from him, huffing and eyeing the writhing, twitching piece of shit on the floor before turning to Rin. Rin, his salvation laying still on the bed. He hurried to her before he lost the window of opportunity in his rage.

  “Dante,” she barely whispered as he scooped her up in his arms.

  “I got you Princess,” he gasped, pressing his lips barely to her swollen ones. “I’m here.”


  Dante waited till it was dark and carried Rin into the hotel room two hundred miles from Rin’s home. He took every crazy direction he could and kept off all the major roads. Thank fuck he’d been paid in full and that bastard couldn’t take it back now.